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Mark 1Mark 1.1-13 John the baptist prepares the way | The Baptism of Jesus | The Temptation of Jesus | Mark 14-20 Jesus begins His mission | Jesus calls the first disciples Mark 1.21-28 Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit and many others Mark 1:29-39 Jesus preaches in Galilee Mark 1.40-45 Jesus cleanses a leper
Mark 2Mark 2:1-12 Jesus heals a paralytic Mark 2.13-17 Jesus calls Levi Mark 2:18-22 A question about fasting Mark 2.23-28 Jesus is Lord of the sabbath
Mark 3Mark 3:1-6 Jesus shows compassion over tradition Mark 3.7-19 Great crowds follow Jesus | The twelve Apostles Mark 3.31-35 Jesus's true family
Mark 4Mark 4.1-34 Parable of the sower | A lamp under a basket | The seed growing | The mustard seed Mark 4.35-5.20 Jesus calms a storm | Jesus heals a man with a demon
Mark 5Mark 5.21-43 Jesus heals a woman and Jarius's daughter
Mark 6Mark 6.1-13 Jesus rejected at Nazareth | Jesus sends out the twelve apostles Mark 6.14-44 The death of John the baptist | Jesus feeds the five thousand Mark 6.45-56 Jesus walks on the water | Jesus heals the sick in Gennesaret
Mark 7Mark 7.1-23 Traditions and commandments | What defiles a person Mark 7.24-37 The Syrophoenician woman's faith | Jesus heals a deaf man
Mark 8Mark 8.1-21 Jesus feeds the four thousand | The pharisees demand a sign | The leaven of the pharisees and Herod Mark 8.22-9.1 Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida | Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ | Jesus foretells His death and resurrection
Mark 9Mark 9.2-29 The transfiguration | Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit Mark 9.30-50 Jesus again foretells His death and resurrection | Who is the greatest | Anyone not against us is for us | Temptation to sin
Mark 10Mark 10.1-31 Teaching about divorce | Let the children come to me | The rich young man Mark 10.32-52 Jesus foretells His death and resurrection a third time | The request of James and John | Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus
Mark 11Mark 11.1-11 The triumphal entry Mark 11.12-26 Jesus curses the fig tree | Jesus cleanses the temple | The lesson from the withered fig tree Mark 11.27-12.12 The authority of Jesus challenged | The parable of the tenants
Mark 12Mark 12.13-34 Paying taxes to Caesar | The Sadducees ask about the resurrection | The great commandment Mark 12.35-13.2 Whose son is the Christ | Beware of the scribes | The widow's offering | Jesus foretells destruction of the temple
Mark 13Mark 13.3-37 Signs of the close of the age - The coming of the Son of Man
Mark 14Mark 14.1-11 The plot to kill Jesus | Jesus anointed at Bethany | Judas to betray Jesus Mark 14.12-31 The passover with the disciples | Institution of the Lord's supper | Jesus foretells Peter's denial Mark 14:32-72 Jesus prays in Gethsemane | Betrayal and arrest of Jesus | Jesus before the council | Peter denies Jesus
Mark 15Mark 15.1-47 Jesus delivered to Pilate | Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified | Jesus is mocked | The crucifixion and death of Jesus | Jesus is buried
Mark 16Mark 16:1-20 The resurrection | Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene | Jesus appears to two disciples | The great commission
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