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"Impacting South Oklahoma City

one square mile at a time"


South Oklahoma City can be best characterized as a “blue collar” industrial sector and is currently the center of Oklahoma City’s rapidly growing Latino Community.  


While South Oklahoma City has a very proud and prestigious history, it has also evolved into one of the most high-crime and at-risk areas in the United States.  This is due in large part to gang violence and poverty levels.  Youth for Christ South Oklahoma City aims to tackle these issues head on by impacting our neighborhoods one square mile at a time.  From various before and after school programs to our Summer Soul Season we are determined to effectively transform the lives of South Oklahoma City youth … one square mile at a time.  

Golf Shot
SP Events

"combining healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices"  

Wheeler MS
Capitol Hill MS
Santa Fe Southwest MS
Southeast MS
Western Heights HS*
U.S. Grant HS

Schools marked by * are new programs that have been approved but not officially onboarded  as of the 23/24 school year.

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Give life to 

your story.

YFCSOKC | Stories

3222 SW 119th

Oklahoma City, OK 73170
Tel: (405) 942-2771
Fax: (405) 947-7007

John Howry

Area Director / Youth for Christ South Oklahoma City

Click the photo to contact Youth for Christ South Oklahoma City.

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